Laguna Hotshot Camp Weather

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Preparing for Fire School

The Crew is scheduled to go to Fire School at MCP Camp Pendleton this Tuesday. Fire School uses live fire drills with controlled prescribed fires. Typically the new Crew Bosses or Incident Commanders type 5 will be placed in charge of a fire and will have to give a size up to dispatch and order resources.

In order to prepare our folks, we ran them through a sand table exercise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really dig the sandbox replication, thats genius! Wow, I've been browsing around here avidly the last few days and have seen plenty to keep me on course to one day be in your shoes. Thank You for providing the inspiration and of course the fruits of your labor which keep our forests healthy! So Long and good luck from smoggy Bakersfield, CA!!