Laguna Hotshot Camp Weather

Monday, January 09, 2017

2017 Temporary (Seasonal) Job Announcement

USAJobs Announcements for Temp FFs Opened Today, Close Fri. Jan. 13, 859 PM PST

Here is the Job Announcements Numbers for the 2017 Fire Season Temporary (Seasonal) Employment.  The Forest is using  “General Suppression Announcement” for GS-3 FF positions , and a General Suppression Announcement for GS-4 FF positions: unlike previous years, there are no separate announcements for Engine jobs, for Helitack jobs, and for Hot Shot jobs.  Individuals interested in one of more of the different suppression job types will use only one announcement to apply for each Grade Level.  The Suppression announcements do not include a feature for an applicant to specify that they would only accept a certain type of job—this will be worked out during the Fire Hire Selection event, when Job Offer interest calls are made.

Hotshots, Engine and Helitack positions use:
GS-3 Suppression:  17-TEMP-R5-0462-3FAID-DT      

GS-4 Suppression:  17-TEMP-R5-0462-4FIRE-DT       
*Duty Locations = Alpine, Corona, Ramona.

Lookout positions use:
GS-4 Lookout:         17-TEMP-R5-0462-4LOOK-DT      
*Duty Location = Alpine.

Dispatcher positions use: 
GS-4 Dispatcher:   17-TEMPF-R5-0462-4FDSP-DT           
GS-5 Dispatcher:   17-TEMPF-R5-0462-5FTFD-DT      
*Duty Location = El Cajon.

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